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How would you feel when you would have a grounded trust in yourself, in life, and in your heart?

How would it be to invite joy, inspiration and authenticity in every thing you do?


When ease, flow and expansion are the foundation of your daily life?



In this Online Intensive - Opening to Essence you are going to explore how you can create your life in a way that feels in resonance with your heart. You are going to learn how to connect to a more truthful place inside yourself and let inspiration be the foundation for your every day. 

Do you see yourself working very hard? Pushing yourself? Or hiding yourself?
Do you have a longing for more spark, more meaning and more colour in your life?

YOU can give life its spark back. You are the way.
But not by working harder, oh no!
Your life will unfold when you let it.

Let your essence guide you.















Flow is your natural state

In this Online Intensive, you will learn practical, accessible and integrative tools to relax into life and move towards expansion in intimacy with yourself. Bodywork, breathwork, Core Energetic tools, meditation and deeper inquiry will form a foundation to open up to life, to embrace your being and to navigate yourself in this world in a more honest, congruent and authentic way.

You can make a change
--> 'mweh' and 'pfff' do not need to be your start of the day

--> stress and tension are not a healthy foundation for life

--> worrying and pushing are not the way towards your dream goal.

When you move from your essence, life is effortless. We often say, we are ‘in the flow’.


There is an unlimited source of energy and life force within you. It’s the home coming on this earth, it’s the yes you feel when you're on the right track, it’s that what gives life meaning.


Your essence has a very simple way to communicate with you.

When you move from a place that is not in resonance with your core, you feel it. You feel ‘off’, tired, overwhelmed, numb, or even desperate. Life needs effort. When you need to ‘push or pull’ life, you know one thing: you’re rowing against the stream.



Life is here for you

and you don’t have to row against the stream.



To bring out your true joy, inspiration and trust, we will take four steps:

1. Embody your energy and being

2. Explore your blockages to living fully

3. Energize the shadow and releasing your attachment to the negative

4. Open to your essence with trust and surrender

You will open to your full potential, coming from your essence.
The work you will do, will form a nourishing and sustainable ground for the rest of your life.


Are you ready?



“The authentic self is the soul made visible”

– S.B. Breathnach

This Online Intensive - Opening to Essence offers you:

  • 6 Live Zoom Group-sessions, 2,5 hours each.

  • Access to specially developed video and audio guided exercises to do at home,
    containing bodywork and breathwork practices, guided meditations, inspiration and exercises to learn to regulate your energy.

  • Group of max. 12 participants for an intimate and trustworthy setting

  • Online community space.

  • The possibility to reach out to me and the group for support during the course of the training.

  • An individual online session to deepen your process.



















The group sessions have the following themes:


  1. Grounding and Intention & getting to know each other
    Laying the foundation for this spiritual journey and meeting each other in authenticity.

  2. Uncovering your Idealized Images
    Hunting images cost you a huge amount of energy and doesn't get you where you want to be.
    We'll make a shift from ego to soul-oriented living.

  3. Shedding layers: Becoming Unstuck
    Why do you keep creating the same loops?
    We're going to dis-cover your deeper intention for healing and will energize your intrinsic longing.

  4. The Lower Self: a doorway to Essence
    The parts in us that we've been hiding for so long are now invited to come to life, giving us energy and inspiration to really make a change.

  5. Stepping into Authenticity
    We invite truth, to lay a sacred ground for clear intention and manifestation.

  6. Leaving the Nest: next steps and self-care 
    How to transition into this new life? Here you'll get practical tools to stay in connection with this deeper meaning in life.

"I feel expanded, stronger, more confident and I feel more space to allow what is moving through. Aranka has a powerful, clear and gentle loving way of guiding that feels authentic and pure. What a gift!" - Eva


In accessible and embodied teachings you will learn:

* How to listen to your body

* How to move from stress and tension to opening and expansion

* To balance and activate your life energy

* Recognize limiting beliefs and transforming them 

* How to embrace your vulnerability and feelings

* Find your true qualities
* Understanding your deeper purpose

* How to deal with difficult situations and use challenges as an entrance 

* To connect to the deeper wisdom of your Essence

* and more..


Note: This is an online training that will go as deep as you are able to carry yourself. Because I cannot physically hold space for you, it important to understand that this course is not suitable for healing deeper issues such as early childhood wounding, shock trauma and deep bonding issues. When you want to work on a more personal level, or with more vulnerable processes, you best work with me live 1-1.

This Intensive is for you if you recognize one or more of the following:

  • You have been stuck with the same themes for some time now, and are ready to take a step

  • You want to live more fully and feel more alive

  • When you're tired of being tired, overworked and empty.

  • When you want to make a step in healing soul- and personality wounding

  • If you are in search of more meaning in your life, or your life’s purpose

  • When you want to activate your creative potential and walk your own unique life path

  • When you wish to open yourself to your wild and essential nature

  • Longing for a deeper connection and being more authentic with other people

  • If you’re ready to shed old layers and become more you

  • When you're willing to show up for both the beautiful and the hard parts of inner work




Dates group sessions 2021: 

via Zoom


17th March

24th March

7th April

14th April

21th April

28th April

Time: 19.00-21.30 CET


Your commitment:

Please know that this training is designed to give you profound insights in your patterning, process, and your life path. This asks your commitment and willingness to stay, also when it gets hard. Joining this Intensive, you commit to setting an intention to be present during the group meetings. You will be asks to be responsible for your own process, especially your self-practice at home.

There will be no recordings available of group sessions, as the content is personal and often vulnerable and your consent in presence is required. Even though it is not ideal, it's possible to miss up to two group sessions.



Joining the Intensive, you will have access to daily guided video and audio practices in bodywork, breathwork, meditation, movement, energy work and inquiry assignments. It's up to you how much time you wish to spend daily. To really benefit from this program and initiate embodied change, I recommended to spend 15 - 30 minutes a day with the material of this training.


Group: The group-sessions are a sacred space for group-work, guiding you step by step through a process of deepening the connection with yourself, your vulnerability, your patterning, and your qualities. We will do this in the setting of a group, for connection and being received is needed for healing. It is therefore important that you have a strong intention to be present.
There is a maximum of 12 participants to keep connection personal and intimate. 

You will be invited to join an online community space to connect, share and inspire each other.


The group sessions will be held in the language spoken by everyone. If the group is fully Dutch, the training will be in Dutch.
With the presence of one or more non native Dutch speakers, the course will be held in English. The online work is also in English.


You pay:


€ 297,- incl BTW/ VAT *


or three terms of €99,-

You get:

--> Six group sessions, each 2 hours.
--> private access to all the online practices for two years
--> a support system for the whole duration of the training (7 weeks)

--> and an online community platform for extra connection and inspiration

--> one individual session via Zoom


--> Extra 1-1 sessions are possible for a discounted price of €50 per session of one hour.


* There are limited budget tickets available for low-income earners.

* Cancellation is freely possible until March 7 2021, after that you pay 50% of the fee.
Cancellation during the training is only possible under special circumstances and always after a final consultation.


"It was wonderful to experience how much I enjoyed the bodywork and breathwork. After a practice, I felt more grounded and connected to myself. I loved Aranka's way of working. She is very professional, warm and personal." - Meie


"Aranka sets a safe environment in which we discover these questions and answers together, while always feeling welcome and supported. I am learning how to feel more 'awake', how to better recognize what feels authentic to me and how to be in line with my own emotions. Altogether, working with Aranka is the greatest present I ever allowed myself"

- Anne-Sophie


Aranka de Vries

"I am in awe of our intelligent human bodies, and it is my passion to invite myself and others to express the truth our our magnificent selves. I light up when I move, when I express myself and when I see that the bodywork helps others to do the same. My strength is in inviting you in my own playful and spontaneous way. I cheer for you, stepping into your truth.


I am a Core Energetic student practitioner, dancer, body- and breath coach with the experience of working with the body for over 10 years. I have a deep trust in doing inner work in a collectively, and am ready to support you on your journey. 

My own process is one of feeling part of a bigger whole, of being able to ask for support, and to learn to trust that when I am myself, I can feel received and met.

In this Intensive it is my intention to be open to receive, honest and speak from my heart. It is my intention to honour each participant for who he/she is and support the process with love and faith.


I am excited to walk this path with you.

Let's walk together.

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