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persoonlijke reflecties en artikelen

Aranka de Vries
26 jun 20212 minuten om te lezen
How to stay sane in an insane world?
How to find compassion and clarity in times of challenge? In this article, I share about my own journey becoming (in)sane.
71 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Aranka de Vries
15 mei 20212 minuten om te lezen
Don’t waste your time. Be patient.
What does patience mean to you? How can you take care of your needs and desires? We have a wounding that needs tending to.
50 weergaven0 opmerkingen

Aranka de Vries
2 jan 20213 minuten om te lezen
Modern tribes & resilience
I was hesitant, very hesitant, to go back to the Netherlands threeandahalf years ago after many long travels. What is there for me? This...
153 weergaven0 opmerkingen
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